Forget the Stress, Just Go For It

Every day we walk into The Cubic with a smile on our faces, proud to work at a place where every detail has been designed and redesigned for our convenience and comfort.

That squeaky door has been fixed, as it should have. That peeled-off corner has been painted, finally. And was there a toilet that was running last week? We may not even realize it has been repaired.

We also occasionally watch two men walking around with paint-splattered clothes and rough hands that have seen their fair share of hard work: Luc and Steve.

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Steve is the OG handyman who’d been around from the beginning. Luc joined a few years later. And for over four years they have been keeping The Cubic together. Literally. Their work includes several kinds of maintenance work: painting, woodwork, decorations, window repairs, blinds, and exterior grounds, among others. Plus the compulsory monthly checkups so that nothing explodes in the office… that shouldn’t.

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And in order to be able to do it all themselves, they have to know a little about everything. Wouldn’t that make it easy for them to eventually step on each other’s toes? “What interests me, doesn’t interest Steve at all, therefore I’d say we complement each other very well, we are a very-well functioning team’.’ Luc says. Luc's expertise lies in woodwork, while Steve prefers painting.

That’s kind of perfect. They must be inseparable! “We very much like to work together. Sometimes we work for weeks together on a project. But honestly, after working and spending so much time together, it feels good just to do our jobs separately without the other person,” Luc and Steve laugh. “Then we don’t see each for a short period of time.’’

Before they joined us, Steve worked painting cars. Coincidentally, Luc worked fixing cars! Luc also did window-fitting, built the large tents often seen in festivals, and constructed log cabins. So, yeah, he knows how to do stuff. Now, they enjoy the freedom of choosing how and designing the best way to perform the tasks assigned to them.

Steve also occasionally enjoys being an absolute legend by helping Dephioneers beyond his scheduled duties. Moreover, rumor has it that he can often be seen hanging from a third-floor window by his teeth, scraping with one hand and painting with the other. And he says this–this is the most monotonous part of working at The Cubic? Oh, what a badass.

Every kind of work requires a very particular skill set. Placed in their environment, a lot of us might make complete fools out of ourselves and end up stapling our hands to the wall. So, we’re fortunate to have two very competent good men helping us while we do our desk work.

The passion for the craftsmanship of their work, the knowledge and expertise they have gathered after years of hard work, and the resilient nature of two spirits who simply tell each other “forget the stress, just go for it”, should be enough to say that they belong in Dephion too.



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